For those of you who don’t know, by the time you read this post I should be well on my way to the USA! (oh hey that rhymed!) I’ll be travelling along the west coast for short period. I plan to experience Halloween in a country that truly celebrates it, shopping up a storm and indulging in far too much delicious fast food. I may need to be rolled home.
So due to that, I’m not sure how often I will be blogging! My goal is to try and continue blogging, but reduce it more to a “dear diary” sort of blog post, rather than your typical beauty / fashion posts, but since I’m unsure of internet and free time will be like there, I don’t want to promise anything ๐
I do know that I will be taking a ton of video and photos, so if I don’t manage to share them all whilst travelling then you can expect a flood of them when I get back ๐
However, I will definitely keep posting as much as I can on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, so be sure to follow me there if you haven’t already!
Have a fabbo time! x
Miss you already T_T hope you are both having a great time!