YSL (also known as Yves Saint Laurent) is famously known as a French luxury fashion house that not only have created some beautiful outfits that grace the biggest runways of the world, but stunning handbags that are edgy yet elegant….
Lookbook #24 – Mermaid
So as you know from yesterday’s post, today’s look book is very special! Unfortunately I haven’t received all the photos taken that day, so you can look forward to a 2nd post involving some props later on. This is the…
Lookbook #23 – Red Vamp
Even though I’ve sketched out many a lookbook there are some evenings after work that all I want to do is chill out and basically… muck around! This is the result, not nearly as “crazy” as I normally get, I…
Lookbook #17 – Full of Heart
Usually, I sketch out my look books before I try them out, I also plan time in my schedule to shoot them. Not this look, I came home one night and felt rather inspired to play around with my individual…