It may seem a little strange to write an entire blog post on some simple brow gel, however it’s products like these that I feel often get side lined and neglected so incase anyone out there was curious, this one…
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Product Comparison
Despite how important brows are in my general beauty regime, I never seem to find one product that I can stick to exclusively. I’m always hunting for the next best thing or constantly changing my routine in hopes I can…
Dior Eye Designer Eye Makeup Palette Review, Swatches and Photos
One of the best things about travel is duty free, and the best thing about duty free? The duty free exclusive palettes 😀 I’m such a sucker for them, even though I probably don’t use them as much as I…
Maybelline Define-A-Brow Gel Review
Pros: Neatens eye brows Holds brows Virtually no smell and clear Cons: Tends to look murky and contaminated fast Doesn’t hold stray strands well Price: $12.95AU Rating: Where: Priceline, most pharmacies and supermarkets I am currently on my 3rd tube…