So… how’s life?
Yes, it’s been almost 9 months since I last posted on this blog, however admittedly I haven’t been generally inactive online. All my “activity” has been popping off on Youtube, both on my main Fables in Fashion channel and my Planner channel. But I’ll admit it still feels strange to not spend as much time here as I used to.
Did I mention we are officially celebrating 10 years on this blog? My first post was dated back in November 2009, so… we’re getting close to spending a decade blogging right here (excluding the 8 or so years prior where I blogged on various platforms like LifeJournal etc) A lot of gone on since leaving this blog, and yet really nothing has changed either. But I’ve had some realisations in the last few months that I wanted to share either here or somewhere.
And that’s kind of the problem, it’s been a long time since I was able to blog as a form of self expression. A place for me to come to, to talk about how I’m feeling. Kind of like a “Dear Diary” concept, because when you’re an adult, especially one who works full time in the corporate world, that’s just not very professional.
Well, screw it.
No, I’m not going to start whinging and airing all my dirty laundry here. What I want this blog to be, and what it always has been, was my beauty / fashion blog. And that’s what it’ll stay for the most part, I can’t promise I’m coming back with a vengence because I just don’t know how to properly manage my time outside of work well.
I can tell you, it’s been literally years since I’ve really wanted to spend more time blogging now more than ever. So… let’s see what happens. But since we’re here, let me run by you the million and ones things I’m doing online so if you ever do want to see what’s what, you can.
- I’ve been consistently spending a lot of time uploading on my three main Youtube channels. Fables in Fashion, which is really more a reflection of this blog. A Beautiful Fable which is all around planners, stationery and art. And finally Tell Me Your Fable, which is a personal / general channel. Basically my outlet when nothing else will do
- As a small business owner, a lot of my time goes into my online store Happy Cloud Inc, which I adore and love running!
- Diving more into the blogging world, which you have here, but I also have been blogging more on A Beautiful Fable, a blog reflection of the above mentioned Youtube Channel. I’ve got two more blogs in the works, which I’ll announce at a later date.
- Oh and instagram, don’t forget to follow me on the gram!
In a nut shell, I’m alive! I’m still at the “new” job I moved to that I mentioned in my life updates below. However it is still just that, a job. I’ve been spending the last year focusing on some more long term goals for myself, which I’ll be sharing in two of the future blogs mentioned above. And… that’s about all I can think to add here now.
Talk to you all soon
(hopefully with topic relevant content!)
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