In case you didn’t know, Shu uemura actually offers facials for their customers at various times during the year. For example, just recently their latest skincare line Tsuya was released, and with that came two weeks worth of facials for the public. The thing about the Shu uemura facials is that they don’t publicly advertise them. So the only way to really know about them is to either be personally offered them at the counter, or via word of mouth~ Or bloggers!
The facials work similar to how a lot of other counters run their makeup sessions, you pay $80AU for the facial and can redeem the $80AU on 2 skincare products. Shu uemura was kind enough to offer me the facial for free to try out. I’ll admit to being a bit apprehensive because I have a “touch phobia” in that I really dislike strangers and most men (sorry guys) touching me! It’s weird, but it’s just the way I am π
But for the sake of trying new things, and being able to be a good blogger and report back, I set aside my concerns and went for it.
I’m really glad I did, I’ve never had a facial before and it was really great to indulge in one, not to mention I had it after work on a Friday night, so perfect way to slip into the weekend π
The facials are held in a separate quite room with soothing music in the background, which was an initial concern of mine. You can’t hear any of the shopping noises outside which is great!
You’ll be asked what your skin care concerns are up front so they can tailor the facials towards your needs. Essentially however they are using products from their range that best suit your needs, which can be limiting if nothing from their range suits a particular need of yours.
So I’d see these facials as being perfect for individuals who are looking to delve further into the Shu uemura skin care line, but aren’t sure where to start. Shu uemura is really great at explaining the purpose and function of each of the products they use on you, giving you various tips and tricks. If you probe a little further, you’ll start to learn a bit more about what is involved regarding facials in general.
For example, best practices for makeup removal, massage techniques, how to apply certain product types (liquids, creams, gels etc) on your face without damaging your skin, all tips which can be universally used with products from other brands.
If you however have a very specific problem, for example persistent acne or eczema, then of course you need to see a specialist.
By the end of the facial I felt very relaxed and walked away with a wealth of new knowledge regarding skin care. So I recommend this for anyone interested in learning which products from the Shu uemura line best suit you, as well as those who are either beginners or skin care amateurs. Despite having this blog, and reading up my fair share regarding skincare I still learnt quite a bit, and I’m sure you will too.
Thanks again Shu uemura for the lovely experience <3 And for finally showing me that facials don't need to be daunting, but can actually be relaxing if you let yourself enjoy it π If you're interested, you can consult any Shu uemura counter located in David Jones in the Melbourne CBD or Chadstone.
How the bleep did i not know about this. I’ve always wished Shu did facial treatments but never thought to ask. I’m so going to find out when the next one is. Thank you so much for posting this.
Yay! My pleasure π Glad to spread the word~