Last Saturday Sefie gave me an advanced on my birthday and Christmas present ;D And took me to Napoleon Perdis for a quick makeup class! Basically we sit with a makeup artist for 1 hour where they teach us whatever we want, I requested for tips on how to improve my “dramatic” makeup and came up with a vampire look.
As Sefie may very well end up on the famous Master Chef series next year, she requested tips on how to apply natural looking makeup for TV. This is the result, isn’t she absolute gorgeous!? She’s so cute!
Our loot! The class was around $95 each, which could be exchanged for product at the end of the class. I chose a powder foundation, brow pencil and an amazing contouring powder (will most likely review them at a later date). I’m not sure exactly what Sefie got, but she got a ton of great goodies!
My lovely makeup artist and I! He was amazing to work with, incredibly friendly and just as obsessed with costume / special effect makeup as I am! The makeup was really something, it makes it look like I’m wearing coloured contacts because of the contrast~
Close up of the eye makeup, his technique was a little different from mine, so I def did learn a thing or two in that department.
I just had to show off how he managed to contour my face so perfectly, despite all the practice I have, I still can’t get it to look as natural as he managed to. Back to the drawing board for me.
Overall, it was an amazing day spent with someone very close to my heart! Thanks again for the great day Sefie <3 <3
I can never get the contouring done as well as the MUAs. I end up looking like I smeared dirt on my face.
You look phenomenal!
Me too! It’s like I have mud on my face, this MUA is amazing, and he made it look so easy too ๐
Thank you <3 <3
Great contouring!! It’s a hard skill to master!
He is amazing!! I can’t believe how easy he made it look o_o
I look like Marion… XD;; Dunno if that’s a good thing or not!
Pfffft, you are waaaaaay cuter!! *wants to pitch your cheeks*
Love the looks Celina. We must have masterclasses for contouring – where can I sign up to put my name down?
Thank you, all thanks to my talented MUA =D
Just talked to Sefie and she sent me the info:
Here is the link:
And be sure to google “redballoon discount voucher” for a $30 off discount =D
Be sure you blog about your experience too! It’s amazing ๐
It looks amazing, love how he did your eyes <3
Thank you! Me too, it really brings out the colour in my eyes, he is amazing *_*