Last week the City of Melbourne announced the launch of this year’s Melbourne Spring Fashion Week (29th August to 7th of September), and held a beautiful Influencer Luncheon for bloggers to celebrate. Now, I have to admit that my involvement with Fashion Week goes deeper than just this blog. For those who don’t know, I’ve mentioned a number of times that I work as a Consultant for my day job, and this year my company (IBM) entered into a sponsorship deal with City of Melbourne to help celebrate Fashion Week!
So it only seemed appropriate I join the project and get involved! It’s been quite the blast and I consider myself incredibly lucky to be bring my passion in beauty and fashion into my day job! I’m very much looking forward to attending Retail Night and hopefully some of the runway shows! Whilst I’ve attended fashion shows in the past, I have a feel this year is going to feel a little different, definitely more special 🙂
The luncheon was stunning, it was so lovely to see so many talented fashion bloggers and meet the official ambassador Ashley Hart (stunning and flawless in person!). But I’ll be honest, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride when my leads took the stage and spoke of the collaboration between IBM and City of Melbourne in an area I was so passionate about. It’s moments like these that make me proud to be an IBMer.
Whoooooo! Looking totally pro!
:DDD *hugs*!