Barry is so special he deserves a post all to himself! Sorry Toby, it looks like I’ve lost my heart to a Baneling π
My lovely Sefie made Barry for me, if you don’t know what a Baneling is, they are the cutest unit in the Zerg race, Star Craft 2! My gaming obsession at the moment~ Even tho I mainly play toss, how could I turn down such a cute Baneling!!
Amour~ <3
Barry is waiting for his Berry ;D <3
Oh wow, love it! Just started playing and I am the worst btw. My god it’s so addictive. I had to retweet that to my gaming friends. π
Aww thank you! I know, how addictive is this game!? It consumes me XD
Hahahaha it’s so randomly cute! x3
Hehe thank you!
Love the cuddly Baneling, he is so cute (kawaii…)
Now all you need is a softtoy Zergling.
I do! I need more Blizzard plushies π