A couple of weekends ago, Seruku, Darbara, Toby and I ventured out to check out the 2nd annual Japanese Summer Festival held at Docklands~ I was most looking forward to eating all the yummy Japanese food which I had so sorely missed since my last trip to Japan :9
Unfortunately I’m still missing it because the food here was nothing like the street food in Japan Oh well, it was still nostalgic to be able to speak some Japanese when ordering, just like we did constantly back in Japan!
Being a cosplayer I decided to make my own kimono to wear, and being a nerd meant I had to somehow make it… well nerdy! So I got the idea to draw a bunch of StarCraft 2 symbols over it, which I thought was very amusing since only SC2 gamers would know what the symbols meant. To everyone else I was just weird~
Unfortunately in true cosplay style, I started sewing on the Wednesday night before the festival and since I work during the day I only had evenings to sew it so by Saturday I didn’t manage to include the major of details and decorations I had originally planned Oh well, maybe if I find more time I might add more details and do a real shoot with it one day!
Overall the festival was insanely crowded and far too small
I did manage to run into Stacey, Annie and a bunch of other cosplayers which was fun The gang and I ended the night with dinner at Mecca Bar :9 Delicious~
Bwahahahaha kimono win!! James and I almost went to this too but changed our minds last minute because of the weather XD Next year we”ll have to go together
Yes! We totally should, and we should coordinate our kimonos too~ You pink, me blue or something! =D
So sad that I didn’t see this IRL
Maybe I should analyse that first photo to see whether you can spot me in it or not hahaha !
But yeah, Your kimono is awesomeeee <3
Hehe it was so mega crowded that day, I reckon the photo is a really good representation~ Aww thank you, you looked adorable!! We will hopefully see each other one day, I may end up making it to Supanova~ Just not sure what to cosplay @__@