One thing I noticed upon arriving back in Australia, my dark circles are almost gone. And to be honest, I noticed them slowly disappearing during my holiday in Japan. At first I thought maybe it’s the fact that I am on holidays and am mentally feeling at ease… maybe? But one big thing that did change for me was the amount of sleep I was getting.
The thing about travelling to places without internet (especially when you’re an addict), is there isn’t much to do when you don’t have it. So I ended up getting close to 10 hours sleep almost every night for 2 weeks.
Over time it not only made a huge difference to both my energy levels and state of mind, but it’s actually showing on my skin too… Score!
However, the toughest challenge will be getting enough sleep now that I’m home with all my distractions. So far I’ve figured the best way is to set an alarm for say 10:30pm, when the alarm goes off, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing (in the middle of a video or email), whatever it is, it gets put on hold and off to bed I go! So far amazingly, when I wake up I don’t feel the need to snooze, I feel awake (or as awake as I can feel knowing I have to drag myself to work) and I feel ready for the day!
So, get rid of those eye creams or miracle masks! Seems drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep is truly the key to great skin 🙂 And it’s a heck of a lot cheaper too!
I so need to take your advice and do this too… cos i don’t sleep enough at all.