If you’ve been in the beauty world for a while now, the Clarisonic is not a new term to you. In fact almost everyone I know in beauty owns one or has at least tried it before and I thought since I was kindly sent mine from RY, it was time to pay it forward and shared the love with you all 🙂
However, for those of you who are living under rocks, let me give you a quick run down. The Clarisonic is basically an electronic facial cleansing device. Think of it as a massive electronic toothbrush! 😀 How it works is you basically pour some of your normal cleanser onto the brush and then gently run the Clarisonic all over your face. It’s important to apply absolutely no pressure on your face, but let it just touch your skin instead.
If there is one thing you should know about how I use skin care related products is that I don’t tend to follow the instructions to a T. Initially I will, but over time I’ll customise my usage to suit my skin needs. The reality is that everyone has different needs and there is no one product that will work the exact same way for everyone. That’s why I personally believe that it is very important to customise every step in your skincare routine to suit your needs.
So with the Clarisonic, the package states that it is gentle enough to use twice a day. For me personally, my skin only allows me to properly cleanse it once a day (I use warm water and toner in the mornings), and I need to use different cleansers depending on my skin’s needs. So with the Clarisonic I found using it once every 2-3 days as part of my cleansing routine gave me the best results. I use it after I’ve use my cleansing oil, and usually in combination with a normal cleanser and exfoliater or cleanser alone.
Since introducing the Clarisonic into my skincare routine I’ve found that the serums and masks I use at night sink into my skin better, foundations apply much smoother and over time my skin has really cleared up! I’m extremely lucky and don’t wear face makeup most of the time and I feel that’s of course in part to a good diet and genetics, but also to a good skin care routine.
Since I only use the Clarisonic a few times a week, a single 24 hr charge will last me about 3 weeks which is really great for travel! Unless I happening to be travelling for a longer period of time, I usually won’t need to bring the charger with me. And charging it is simple, the charger pictured above is magentic 🙂
All in all, the Clarisonic has done wonders for me! I’m completely in love with it and highly recommend it to anyone who can afford it (because yes the price is on the high side). Also FYI! I also use this on my neck and décolletage as well and it works a treat 🙂
If you’re interested, you can purchase this for $139AU from RY.
Thanks for the review, its so tempting…I’ve been umm-ing and ahh-ing over this for ages. I’m not super disciplined with my skin care (I know, so bad!) so I’m afraid that I might just use it heaps at the start because of the novelty of it and then slowly start neglecting it and it is pretty pricey to just get left forgotten. Also every time my husband sees me reading reviews he says “I can just buy you a brush and put it on a stick for you to rub on your face.” or “Why don’t you just get an electric toothbrush and use it on your face?” *sigh* men! :p
I am totally in love with my Clarisonic too. It’s just so good. It’s subtle though – don’t expect overnight miracles. But I get fewer spots, the ones I do get nipped in the bud straight away, and my skin is just more radiant. I really wish I’d got one sooner. But they are so expensive, it’s worth making sure you really want to invest in one before you do.