Jill Stuart is one of those highly girly, beautiful brands that makes me want to jump back into my teenage years and girlify everything in my life! This mini lip gloss came as a freebie with a larger set I purchased quite some time ago (completely forgotten now). And I thought it would be a great little gloss to tote around with me. It’s feminine, cute and adorable to use.
Packaging aside however, the gloss itself isn’t that great. It looks great in photos for sure, but I find this gloss to be extremely sticky. More so than the Lancôme Juice Tubes, which I found off putting. I’m not a huge fan of highly sticky glosses personally.
I don’t think these mini versions can be sold separately. But you can purchase full sized versions from online stores like Ichiaban Kao. A full sized gloss goes for about 3000 yen, which translates to be around $35AU – $40AU. (this price includes shipping however).
Ugh, how did I not realise my hair was a complete birds nest
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