I’m slowly trying to go through my tiny Chanel Rouge Coco Shine collection, this used to be my absolute favourite line of lipsticks up until I discovered Lunasol and SUQQU, which have now won me over as my favourite brands for lipsticks!
Don’t get me wrong Chanel’s Rouge Coco Shine are still amazing lipsticks. They are quite moist, they aren’t terribly pigmented but that’s what I like about them (perhaps for the more conservative person) and they are very easily to apply. Unfortunately don’t expect any moist lipstick with slip to last as long as say a matte lipstick, that’s just how science works.
As a stand alone lipstick these are great, but when you explore other brands you begin to see the differences. For example I find that lipsticks from SUQQU and Lunasol provide a lot more moisture. And I love that they have absolutely no scent, where as Chanel lipsticks all come with a subtle rose scent, their signature scent.
Rebelle is almost a bit of an exception when I talk about pigmentation because it is one of the redder shades from the Rouge Coco Shine collection, a light application gives your lips a “bitten” appearance, and a few more coats give them a nice red hue.
One thing to keep in mind when using lipsticks designed to contain more moisture, never roll out the entire tube to apply. The heat of your lips will melt it down faster, just roll up a tiny bit at a time.
Old photo is old, I’ll try and take a better photo next time of my actual lips instead of eyes X_x;
All in all, I still love Rouge Coco Shines, but I can definitely see myself “investing” more of my money into SUQQU and Lunasol for the foreseeable future! I just wish they were more ready available in Australia 🙁 Shopping online without testers can be a little like shooting in the dark!
Hey Celina, where can you find SUQQU online? Keep reading good things about their lipsticks. Might have to stock up if I go to Japan this year.
I think if you are already planning a trip to Japan (or the UK), wait and buy there! It’ll be cheaper than ordering online, I’ve tried a few places, but I find the best place is ichibankao.com
Thanks Celina!
Love this shade, looks great on you!
And I’d love to try SUQQU lipsticks too but unfortunately they’re not available here.
Oh no 🙁 I wish there were cheaper and more readily available!! They are such a great product 🙁
Is that first color Mac Impassioned? I’ve never heard of Impassionate. I’m not fan of sheer formulas myself because they get quite lost on my lips, but this is an admittedly pretty color on you! That kind of just bitten type of appeal.
Yes it is! DOH! Me and my typos 🙁 You’re very right, it is Impassioned 🙂 And thank you so much <3 <3 🙂 I want to wear reds more often! 😀