Using products for other uses other than its intended purpose is something I am terribly guilty of in terms of makeup. For example, sometimes for a look I want blue lips, why should I fork over another $20 for a blue lipstick I’ll only use once? Why not just say… use some blue eye shadow, mix it in with a bit of Vaseline and voilà! Blue lipstick!
But there is a pretty good reason not to do this; some products that are meant to be used around the eyes only, are not safe for consumption. If you end up using them on your lips and you accidentally digest some of it, you could end up rather ill.
Similarity, products designed to be used on the lips (commonly red pigments) are not safe to be used around the eyes as they are more likely to cause irritation. E.g avoid using lipstick as a cream eye shadow.
However, from what I can see, using lipsticks on the cheeks is perfectly fine, it’s usually the eyes vs. mouth products which can cause a problem.
So if you want to be 100% safe, I’d stick to using products for their intended purpose. (in this case do as I say, not as I do!!)
Lol love that pic of you HT!! Great post 😀
Lol, I contemplated whether the internet really did need more silly photos of myself on it… then I decided it did XD Thank you <3 <3
I totally agree that some products are beyond intended for purpose use. I really don’t tend to use the products on else where beside what is actually use for. I’m afraid of getting infection and plus sometimes during the winter time I get bad cold blisters. Thanks this useful post!
Pleasure~ Totally understandable, I have sensitive skin myself so I tend to get worried every time say wear eye shadows on my lips. Luckily it’s only for a short period.
Thanks for posting this! I am often tempted to use eye pigment on lips etc… I’ll be more careful now!
I’m still guilty of doing that, but I only do it quickly for photo shoots 🙁 So far so good *touch wood*
Guilty as charged! lol i do like to experiment with some products to get more use out of it but sometimes doing a further research can be time consuming and I end up using them on areas where they are not intended to be used at myy own risk.. i don’t normally get eye infection so that’s why I am less cautious about it but I won’t go as far as using lipstick as cream eyeshadow 🙂
Lol same! I want my money’s worth dammit!! XDD Hmm, I wonder if anyone has used lipstick as eye shadows before…
Hey! First of all thanks for following me 🙂
Second of all I love your make up art, it’s so creative 😀
And then, I’m following too!
Thank you so much lovely <3 <3 🙂
Great post! I agree we have to be careful when using products beyond their intended purpose or they may irritate our skin (or worse). I do this sometimes but if, let’s say, I wanna use an eyeshadow as lipstick, I’ll compare the ingredients of that eyeshadow with those of my lipsticks to see if all the ingredients can be used safely on both areas. But if that eyeshadow contains even just an ingredient not found in any of my lipsticks, then I won’t risk it.
I hadn’t even thought of doing that, that’s a very good idea!! Thanks for sharing that tip 😀