My go to everyday liner is using a pot of gel (Bobbi Brown, amazing!) and my trusted angled eyeliner brush It’s my winning combo that never fails, I find it much easier than the traditional straight eyeliner brushes, just because I tend to constantly mess up the shape of my wing.
So when Benefit sent me their Benefit They’re Real Push Up Liner, I was pretty intrigued, it seemed to combine an angled eyeliner brush with a gel liner. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this on the market, so I was pretty keen to give it a shot!
The pen features a rubber angled dispenser on the tip, you probably need to twist the bottom a good 30 times or so before the product starts to appear, but once it does, easy does it! Going forward, just a single twist is all you need for each application. The formula has a thick gel consistency and is highly pigmented. You really don’t need much product to create two pretty noticeable cat eyes, which I’m really happy about. It just makes using the product so much more fun and satisfying (You know when products just work well? It makes applying makeup that much more fun!)
But I did want to focus on to the rubber dispenser, it was certainly a new concept to me having used brushes and felt tips exclusively. Essentially, the rubber dispenser acts a bit like a tube and the product comes through. Looking at it, I wasn’t sure if it would apply an even line, I kept thinking too much product will bulge through and almost deform the shape of the dispenser. When I saw the initial product come through, I decided to wipe it on a tissue first to reshape the dispenser as it wasn’t deformed, but it did look a little rounded. But once I did that, the shape bounced back to its original shape and has stayed that way ever since.
I find you use this virtually how you would an angled brush, it does take a little getting used to at first, but after a couple of tries I found it very easy to use! The added benefit (pun not intended!) is that the cap is a twist top, so it ensures the gel isn’t exposed to air and so doesn’t dry out as fast as a gel pot would.
All in all, I think this is a really innovative product and perfect for those who love using gel. I love that it makes for such an easy travel companion, just one product, no need to lug around two pieces anymore (or constantly wash my brush). I will say however that it does take a little getting used to initially, it’s not something I found I could just jump in and get the hang of immediately, but with a little patience at the start, you can expect some big pay off later on
If you’re interested, you can purchase this starting tomorrow at your local Myer Benefit counters for $35AUD!
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