If you watch my videos or see my cosplays, you’ll know that crazy contacts are a big part of them~ So it definitely seemed fitting when Clearly Contacts offered to send me a pair of lenses from their Halloween line 😀 I thought I’d do a quick review for you all in case you were interested in purchasing a pair of costume lenses for next week 😀
These particular lenses are called Greta, and I love how intense these contacts look on me! I totally plan to use them for a future Book of Fables in the future.
I was actually pretty surprised by these lenses, I’ve been through a ton of crazy contacts in my time, and most of them (especially the ones I used in my latest Zombie) tutorial were not comfortable at all >_< I figured that was normal, after wearing these how, completely different feeling. I wear daily clear contacts… well daily, and these felt almost as comfortable as those, they felt amazing on my eyes. I was completely shocked, I've never worn a pair of costume lenses that felt this amazing before :O
I'm half tempted to replace all my existing contacts with the range at Clearly Contacts…. (though the Asian in me won't I know, wasteful!)
The only complaint I have is that the packaging is a little annoying to initially open. I had to use a pair of pliers and letter opening to wedge the lid off, which resulted in a piece of the packaging flicking up at me. So be careful when opening these, but once they are open you can get about 10 wears out of each pair before you need to throw them out.
Which suits my needs just fine, my contacts usually last up to the recommended time period of a year since I only wear them for Book of Fables / photo shoots. The most I get out of my lenses is 2-4 wears.
Overall, very much loving these lenses. In fact I’m going to be purchasing a few more to store in my collection for future shoots 😀 If you’re interested, you can purchase them online for $24.99US.
I have always been curious about lenses, have never tried any form of contacts so would be coming in clueless but goodness I am tempted by these!
I have a question that may be silly but I’m not used to costume lense or colored lenses.
I often use lenses for medical reasons. Do you know if it’s possible to wear both the medical and the funny lenses at the same time (put one over the other) or if it’s too bad for the eyes, like they will not be able to “breathe” normally? my eyes are really sensitive that’s why I’ve never dared doing such things, even just try to see if it’s ok or not…
do you have any idea? thanks!
Hi there! You definitely cannot wear both lenses on top of each other! That could cause a lot of problems of your eye, so please don’t do that. The best is to get a pair of costume contact lenses and get ones that have a degree in them so you can still see. I need contacts daily, my vision is -4 on both eyes. And so when I got these costume contacts, I made sure the company sent me costume contacts with a degree of -4 as well. Only wear one contact per eye 🙂
amazing *_*
they are sooooo perfect for my next costume!
do you know if this store send worldwide? cause i was searching there, but didnt find it about it….
thanks! great review!
Yes I think they do delivery worldwide! Atleast to Australia 🙂